Category: Food and Drink

Sometimes video games like to tie in with food and drink for some reason. I review them, because I can!

  • Mountain Dew Game Fuel, Halo 4 Edition.

    Mountain Dew Game Fuel, Halo 4 Edition.

    Yeah, you read that right. I’m going to review a soda on this blog. Why, you may ask? Well, because I can. But also because Halo 4 fever is slowly dying and being replaced by Call of Duty: Black Ops II fever, so I gotta squeeze this in now while it’s still relevant. No one’s gonna care about this in a month’s time.

    I like to exaggerate the name of this stuff. Imagine if it was said by some obnoxious 90s announcer.

    So, this is the fourth time that Mountain Dew has done the limited “Game Fuel” thing to advertise whatever hot new video game was on the market. The first time Game Fuel was introduced was in 2007 for Halo 3, then re-released in 2009 for a World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and most recently, last year for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. I honestly expected them to skip this year, judging by the “every other year” cycle, but since Halo started the unique limited flavor/marketing tie-in for Mountain Dew, they might as well do it again for the newest installment involving a Master Chief and some Halos.

    I was never a big Halo guy. I played a leaked prototype of Gearbox Software’s PC port back in 2003, and eventually bought the game the following year. I thought it was interesting and kinda fun, but hardly the mind-blowing revelation that gamers were making it out to be. Halo 2 was a dull, monotonous corridor shooter I’d rather forget, and all I remember of Halo 3 was me and and a friend co-oping it in two long sessions one time. I even got the Anniversary edition of Halo: CE and only finished a level or two before moving on.

    Still, I can’t say I hate Halo, it just never really grabbed me outside of the soundtrack and occasionally its multiplayer. Maybe it’s because I was anti-Xbox ’til about 2006. Forgive me, I was still an oblivious teenager.


  • Trying some Angry Birds Fruit Gummies: Space edition.

    Trying some Angry Birds Fruit Gummies: Space edition.

    Hi. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Forgive me, I’ve been swamped with many ideas and no time to publish them. I’ll have some more stuff up real soon. Instead, here’s a fluff post about video game candy.

    Heard of Angry Birds? It’s hard not to, they’ve permeated the public conscious about as much as Call of Duty and Madden NFL in terms of video games. A goofy game where you fling birds at buildings to destroy enemy pigs, it has appeared on every system that could possibly play it, and is apparently really addicting. I played the Google Chrome browser version (no longer available as of 2020) and didn’t quite get the appeal.

    Doesn’t mean it’s not a multi-million dollar success for Finnish developer Rovio. There’s Angry Birds T-Shirts, Angry Birds toys, Angry Birds board games, there’s probably Angry Birds whack-a-mole if I looked around hard enough.

    Now they’ve invaded the food space with Angry Birds Fruit Gummies.

    Love the sci-fi motif they decided to go with their silly bird game.

    I was in a Wal-Mart, getting a few things here and there, when I saw these in a bargain section for 98 cents. I thought, sure, why the hell not. I remember fruit snacks from my youth. Plus I’m reminded of Matt of X-Entertainment (now of Dinosaur Dracula) buying all the Shrek 2 related foods for his site, so I couldn’t resist giving them a try.

    The box tells me to “Collect all four” box covers. Each of the boxes featured art of the respective characters, but I opted for the red bird as that’s the most well-known and iconic besides the pig.

    These seem to be based on the most recent Angry Birds game, Angry Birds Space, which is probably the same as the original game except now IN SPAAAAAAACE! With low gravity!
